First, thank you for your interest in our workshops.  Like the airlines say, there a lot to choose from, and we are honored you are looking at one of ours. 

We are always learning, aren’t we?. Focused time on a One on One basis can be rewarding and a real benefit. A One-on-One workshop is a great way to supercharge your creative energies and skills.  

But the real benefit of an individual workshop is that we can customize the experience to what YOU are looking for. In a group I need to be more general in order to explain things that can be understood by everyone of all skill levels. 

Here are some additional benefits:

  1. I drive, you don’t.  While driving we are usually talking photography together … a great source for information while on our way to the shooting locations.
  2. In One-on-One workshops I set aside time to review images. This is an integral part of our time together. Often, we’ll review images, talk about things and go and re-shoot an area using what we discussed to improve. 
  3. On my One-on-One workshops, as in group workshops, I discuss the technical side of photography. However, I stress even more the cognitive or thinking side of making images, starting from the concept and visualization processes, and can tailor this to your personal needs. Learning to see is what separates the amateurs from the professionals.
  4. Though we all have our own methods of processing an image, there are certain things we all do, perhaps in different ways. I offer my methods, right or wrong to anyone interested. I am not a photographer who spends hours processing. I don’t have the time nor do I enjoy hours of sitting in front of a monitor. However, I do need to make my images look as good as possible and I have my own ways of doing so. I would say I am more of a “simple” processor than some others. I prefer getting as much right with the image using the camera.

Complete rate information and more is available upon request. ( CLICK HERE for JACK’S EMAIL) I I live near the The Great Smoky Mountains and the National Park, only about 30 minutes from the airport in Knoxville Tennessee. The Blue Ridge Parkway as well as many other choice locations are within easy drives. I also conduct One on One workshops elsewhere. Please contact me for complete information.

 Again, please send me an EMAIL if you have any questions or want to have a call.

Thanks you!—JG